16th October 2019 at 1pm
Interpreting Culture – Improving Cross-Cultural Communication
Interfaith Scotland training session
Location: Interfaith Scotland, 110 Flemington Street, (2nd Floor), Glasgow, G21 4BF
Booking: Eventbrite: Interfaith Scotland
Our cultural background has a profound influence on each of us. It shapes our behaviour, values and beliefs. It even affects our thought processes and how we perceive the world. In this half-day course, we will examine where culture comes from and identify many extraordinary examples of its diversity. A simple gesture or phrase can mean dramatically different things from one culture to another and can cause unintended embarrassment, confusion or even offence. We learn to consider how others might interpret our behaviour, and also examine our own understanding, focusing on some of the areas that can cause division such as gender norms, perceptions of rudeness and body language.
23rd October 2019
New Scots: Refugees, Asylum and Resettlement
Scottish Refugee Council training day
Location: Mitchell Street Community Centre, Mitchell St, Dundee DD2 2LJ
Booking: Google form
If you work or volunteer with resettled refugees, or people who are going through the asylum process then this course will give you clarity on where people come from and why they flee and how they get to the UK. It looks at the asylum process, rights and entitlements and the UN Convention on Refugees 1951.
Registration at 9.15 to start at 9.30 and will finish at 4pm. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. First come, first served – limited to 16 participants.
28th October 2019
IOM Refugee Information Session
Location: COSLA, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh
Booking: Eventbrite: IOM
Since 2016, IOM (International Organisation for Migration) has been delivering Refugee Information Sessions to local authorities and receiving communities across the UK. By exploring refugees’ perspectives, experiences and needs, host communities can increase their understanding and adapt their support to be even more effective by earning the buy- in of these they seek to assist.
The session is CPD- certified and will be tailored to the needs and interests of participants. The workshop is aimed towards frontline workers of local authorities and partner organisations who deliver support to resettled families coming from Syria.
If you have any queries, please contact Ania: [email protected]
21st November 2019 at 9.30am
Working with People from Diverse Religion & Belief Identities
Interfaith Scotland training session
Location: Interfaith Scotland, 110 Flemington Street, (2nd Floor), Glasgow, G21 4BF
Booking: Eventbrite: Interfaith Scotland
In this half-day course, delegates will improve their confidence in discussing and responding to the religion and belief of those they work with. We learn about the core beliefs and cultural practices of the main faiths, and the individual needs that may arise from a person’s faith or belief identity. We consider where unintentional discrimination may occur in the organisations we work for, and discuss steps to remove it. The course is highly interactive and assumes no prior knowledge of any faith. It is designed for those who work directly with the public or with service users, but is also relevant to HR staff, equality officers and managers who may need to respond to the needs of staff from diverse religion or belief backgrounds.
4th December 2019
Working with Interpreters
Scottish Refugee Council training day
Location: Dundee Blind and Partially Sighted Society, Thomas Herd House, 10-12 Ward Road, Dundee DD1 1LX
Booking: Google form
If you need to use interpreters in the course of your work or volunteering and you’ve found it challenging, maybe not sure that everything is being communicated, then this course will help you to stay in control and get the best out of the interpreted session.
Registration at 9.15 to start at 9.30 and will finish at 4pm. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. First come, first served – limited to 16 participants.
Previous Events
30th August 2019
‘Laying the groundwork for truly inclusive Sanctuary Scholarships ‘
Speaker: Ben Hudson
Location: Room S11, Swallowgate, at 2pm
If you are interested in attending, please email Samantha Lister at [email protected].
23rd June 2019
Pictures of Home Picnic
St Mary’s Quadrangle: 1pm to 4pm
Bring a picnic and get an insight into life in Fife through the eyes of refugees and migrants. See photographs of the region taken by young people who have recently arrived in Scotland, share what home means to you, try hands-on activities and meet people who have worked with refugees. Part of the Scottish Refugee Festival.
Cost: Free. Drop-in, no booking required.
9th May 2019
From Donbas with Love: A Brief History of IZOLYATSIA and Cultural Spaces in Exile
Speaker: Dmitry Chepurnoy (IZOLYATSIA. Platform for Cultural Initiatives)
Arts seminar room 2: 4pm
Seminar hosted by the Centre for Russian, Soviet, Central and East European Studies (CRSCEES)
4th May 2019
Confessions of a Queer Arab: UNHCR Woman of the Year
Parliament Hall: 7pm
Shrouk El-Attar spoke about LGBT persecution in Egypt and navigating the UK asylum system as an LGBT refugee
Further information
2nd May 2019
Centre for Minorities Research dis-place-ment
Arts Lecture Theatre: 10am
All welcome
We often think of ‘place’ or ‘places’ as physical things, such as places on a map. This is often how place is spoken about in political discourse, especially around debates on migration: the ‘place’ where people ‘belong’ is thought of as a particular point on a map (a country, or a city, or region). What we want to do in this workshop is to think more broadly about ‘place’ and, by extension, what it might mean to think of oneself as ‘in-place’ or ‘out-of-place’ (or ‘dis-placed’): thinking about place in more social terms: how people make – and re-make – places. In light of this, we would like to ask participants to reflect on any (or all) of the following questions:
- What brought you to Fife?
- What does it mean to you to feel in-place or out-of-place?
- Are there any particular experiences you can recall that have made you feel in- or out-of-place in Fife or Scotland?
- How do you relate to your ‘place of origin’?
It is important to stress that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. We are interested in sharing experiences and thinking about how our own understandings of place can be enriched by learning from how others experience being in- or out-of- place.
6 March 2019, 11am
StAnza19: Metaphors of Displacement Colloquium (Byre Theatre) Free & Ticketed
27 Feb 2019, 6.15
Octavia Elfrida Saunders Memorial Lecture
Edmund de Waal OBE ‘Bringing it home, families, objects, stories’
(School 3. St Salvator’s Quad, University of St Andrews)
20th Jan-13th Feb 2019
Sharing stories of displacement through Art. (Main Foyer, Level 2 Byre Theatre)
Details: Donbass Odyssey project
Sat 19th Jan to Sun 14th Apr 2019
Encountering Fife: collaborative exhibition between the Museum of the University of St Andrews (MUSA) and Fife Council’s Department of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). (Dunfermline).
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